Making Opportunities Happen

I believe that much of the success that GaCo has experienced is the result of taking advantage of opportunity. Opportunity is a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something and, in GaCo’s case, that something is making a difference through “STEM Ready Kids.” Opportunity happened at BoB (off-season competition) with GaCo Senior, Mariah Bolden, volunteering to coordinate student ambassadors - something that would not have happened unless she had taken the opportunity to be a student ambassador at every past FIRST event that she could. Opportunity was also seized by “Loading…” the sophomore FTC team at Northern High School. They partnered with other Maryland FTC teams in a “Robot In 3 Days” competition as part of BoB this year. As a result, Loading… produced an amazing “reveal” video which will inspire many younger FTC teams and help them through this season’s design process. Check out their video on Facebook @FTCteam9445Loading. An impromptu Top Spinner/Binary lesso...